Thursday, June 4, 2009

Clean Slate (revised)

They say that youth is wasted on the young. It’s so true. Which leads me to ask you “What is your restore date?” Everyone has one. Even computers have a restore date but you can only go back a few months. What would be your restoration date, if you had a choice?

In my past blog “A Million For One” I wrote about the willingness of having a pinkie removed for one million dollars, tax free. I am still not interested in giving up a pinkie for money. This may sound like a contradiction to my previous blog about giving up my good health but since I believe that health, time and knowledge is more valuable than money I would be willing to entertain an offer: trade my pinkie for my restore date of, January 1, 1983 (a year it all started happening for me) plus to go back knowing what I know now. Hell, I may even throw in a pinkie toe. I guess everything does have a price.

You always hear the older generation saying “I am not smarter, I'm just older.” True, but you're smarter because you are older.

What’s your restore date?

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