Sunday, July 12, 2009

They Still Make Those Things

The movie “The Hangover” is almost finished showing at theaters. I was fortunate to get out twice to see it. If you didn’t, hurry, it’s worth every penny. I can’t pin point the funniest part of the movie but the entrance to Caesar’s Palace scene sticks out in my mind. I guess for some people out there it’s good to know, when entering a hotel, if it is pager (beeper) friendly and if they have a phone bank in case of an emergency. For all you pager-wearing people today, when you can have the internet strapped to your belt and you still wear a beeper, you should stay home. And for the record Caesar’s Palace was not Caesar’s home.

Just The Right Time

Sitting at the dinner table the other night I asked my kids what age they thought they should be when they get their first cell phone. Without really understanding why they would need cell phones my oldest thought around twelve years old and my youngest did not know. Of course being the old sole that I am I had to throw an old grandfather spin to my answer. I said to them “I was twenty five when I got my first cell phone.” My kids were amazed. “Why were you so old?” they replied. I figured this story for them is one of my better comparisons as to when I was their age because they do not need to know that cell phones were not really popular until I was about twenty-five. So in comparison to today’s technology standards they are more behind the times than I was by not already having one, but that’s okay I won’t rush their telephone years.