Friday, May 22, 2009

Get Out Much?

When I first moved from Staten Island to New Jersey people would ask, “Where are you from?” I guess my accent had “This guy is not from around here” written all over it. This question came from the very sheltered people who have never traveled over the Outerbridge Crossing nor the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge. And, of course, their answer was “No” when I asked if they have ever been to Yankee stadium. Did you think, at that point, I was going to ask if they knew what a johnny pump was?

What's That Smell?

It is human nature to keep up with the daily grind but not all daily grinds are the same. Did you ever stand on line at a supermarket in Florida? Your frozen food thaws before you checkout. WOW!! Those people are slow; I think they get paid by the millisecond. But then again, maybe they have the right idea. Slow down! Caution ahead!

Living and working in the Tri-State Region you can’t help but get caught up in the fast pace of the everyday lifestyle because if you don’t you will get trampled underfoot. I sometimes wonder what the hurry is. Did you ever stop and think, “What is going on here?” Where is everyone going and why so fast? Before you know it you are out of high school working a fulltime job, family man wondering what just happened.
Human nature forgets the simple things. We forget what’s important. For me it is my health and the health of others not just around me but everyone. I will elaborate on health in a future blog. Being in the health industry and the funeral business I am exposed to more things than the average person. I do not want to get into details. The things I am exposed to are what I call “Reality Checks”. Things that make you appreciate the fundamentals of life, the simple things! Many people need a wakeup call. Sometimes people need a serious event to happen to themselves or someone around them for them to stop and smell the roses. Remember 9/11 and how the subsequent weeks following the event everyone embraced and united only to drift apart once they got caught back up in the daily grind. You see what I am saying? Appreciate what you have because you will not have it forever.