Friday, April 24, 2009

Games People Play

Anyone up for a game of manhunt, kick the can or running bases? For the younger generation, “Did you ever hear of these three games? Oh that's right, you are too busy playing video games and texting!!” Of the three games manhunt is the best to play with a ton of people at night. It is a glorified game of hide and seek that kids play in their house but only you play outside and get to hide under cars, in shrubs and climb trees. Set boundaries, but the bigger the territory the better the challenge. We played using the whole block with about fifteen to twenty people. I don’t even see that many people on my whole block in a full weeks time. “Where is everybody?”

Kick the can is a hide and seek game also. The person who is “It” has to find the people who hide and when someone is spotted “It” taps the can on the ground and calls out that person’s name. The person caught has to stay close to base. If one of the kids hiding close to the can comes out and kicks the can before being caught then all who are caught go free. It starts all over again until your mom or dad whistles you in for dinner. I guess recycling has something to do with this game being extinct.

Running bases? Can any kid today even guess as to what the game is about? Don't bother asking. If you never played than you missed out.

Anyone older than me reading this is thinking I don’t have a clue as to what games they played when they were kids. True, but from the stories I was told from my parents the game they played where you get whacked with a sock full a chalk does not sound fun.

1 comment:

  1. What about the cheese doodle game? This one is a classic summer favorite (ok, maybe just a personal family classic) A 3 Step Process: 1. Leave one cheese doodle on the sidewalk. 2. Go in the pool for an hour or so. 3. Come back to check on the cheese doodle to see how many ants have found it.
    Your own personal Discovery Channel!
    (oh, I forgot the last step....get yelled at by Gramps and then watch him spray the entire neighborhood for insects)
